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Happy New Year!!!

Jenni Battiss

Updated: Apr 16, 2024

Hello beautiful souls,

It’s hard to believe just how quickly 2023 has flown by! For me, it was a year filled with excitement and trepidation in equal measure. Launching my business meant facing not only external challenges, but internal ones too - imposter syndrome, fear of failure and constant anxiety (brought on by watching my bank balance go down every day) - to name but a few!

Of course, it has also been incredibly rewarding, and nothing quite compares with seeing a vision come to life. I’ve learnt some beautiful lessons along the way too; the most important of these being that, when you put yourself out there and ask for help, it can come flooding in from the most unexpected places!

As with all family owned start ups, I had to deal with launching a business on a small budget. One of the main financial hurdles was not being able to afford models for my website and social media shots. So I took a deep breath, put my pride in my pocket, and reached out to ask for help through online community groups. The response I received was nothing short of overwhelming! More than 20 ladies, the vast majority of whom had never modelled before, volunteered their time for a community photoshoot, enabling me to get the shots and video content I needed to get MoyoMoyo up and running. It was truly humbling to see how helpful total strangers were ready to be, and how happy they were to contribute towards making my dream a reality. 

As we move into a new year, I hope that 2024 will see you surrounded not only by the love and support of friends and family, but also by the kindness of strangers, and that it’ll reinforce your belief in humanity’s fundamental goodness, much as it did for me.

With heartfelt love and appreciation,



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