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The International Day of the African Child – The Journey Towards Education for All

Jenni Battiss

Hello Beautiful Souls,

On the 16th June each year, the world comes together to honour the Day of the African Child. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the struggles faced by children in Africa. It serves as a reminder of the inequalities and barriers that prevent these children from accessing essential resources and opportunities. 

The theme for 2024, “Education for all Children in Africa: The Time is Now”, highlights the crucial role that education plays in lifting children out of poverty. As per Unicef’s latest report on education in Africa: “Low learning outcomes remain a great concern with four in every five children aged 10 years old in Africa unable to read and understand a simple story”.

Education is the key to unlocking potential and creating pathways to a better future.

Education empowers. It provides children with the tools they need to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. With education, children can pursue careers, support their families, and contribute to the economic and social development of their communities.

However, there are many challenges to be overcome before this can happen. Unicef’s report on this issue also states: “Despite considerable progress made by African Governments in boosting primary and lower secondary enrolment over the last decade, schools are underfunded, classrooms overcrowded and there are insufficient teachers, many without adequate training and competencies”. 

We Can All Make a Difference

Each and every one of us can help to create significant change. Here’s how you can contribute:

Learn and Share: Educate yourself and others about the importance of education for African children.

Donate: Support initiatives and organizations that work to provide educational opportunities in Africa.

Advocate: Speak out for policies and programs that prioritize education for all children.

Your support can help ensure that African children have access to the education they need to thrive and succeed. 

With heartfelt love and appreciation,



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